Mark Your Calendar!

What else is going on this month?
Mark your calendar for the following dates. Keep an eye out for reminders in your Thursday folder too!
03 SAC Meeting
07 Rest Night | Chuck E. Cheese
11-13 Spring Conferences
14 No School | Prof Dev
17 No School | President's Day
19 Yearbook | Cover Contest | Artwork Due
22 VIP/Daughter Dance
27 World Culture Night
28 Yearbook | 6th Grade Tributes Due
03 Yearbook | Last Day to Customize Pages
06 Rest Night | Parry's Pizza
11 VIP/Son Night
13 Science Fair
17-21 No School | Spring Break

We're Saving Your Seat!
Come to the next PTA Meeting. Learn about what's happening, meet other parents, raise your hand to volunteer!
Meetings are at 7pm in the school library.
2024/25 Dates: August 27, October 29, January 28, April 29
Not a member yet? Joining is easy!
CLICK TO JOIN THE PTANeed more info?
Contact the PTA - [email protected]
Eagle Ridge Elementary School | 7716 Timberline Road, Lone Tree, Colorado 80124