Mark Your Calendar!

What else is going on this month?

Mark your calendar for the following dates. Keep an eye out for reminders in your Thursday folder too!


06  Back to School 8:00am - 12:30pm
06  School Pictures
07  First Day of School
7-8 Kindy Balanced Beginnings
12  1st Day of Kindergarten
23  Family Movie Night 7:30pm
27  PTA General Meeting - open to all!


02   No School | Labor Day
09  SAC Meeting 3:45pm
14  Garden Day
19  FUNd RUN
20  No School | Prof Dvmt
23-25  Parent/Teacher Conferences
23-27  Book Fair
23-28 HRHS Homecoming
27  Friends 2 Friends [SSN]

Welcome Back!

We're Saving Your Seat!

Come to the next PTA Meeting. Learn about what's happening, meet other parents, raise your hand to volunteer!

Meetings are at 7pm in the school library.

2024/25 Dates: August 27, October 29, January 28, April 29

Not a member yet? Joining is easy!


Need more info?

Contact the PTA - [email protected]

Eagle Ridge Elementary School | 7716 Timberline Road, Lone Tree, Colorado 80124